Friday, 15 December 2017

2nd Child : the birth of Sofea.


26th October 2014 @ 9.30am
2 Muharram 1436H
SVD by Dr Zamry in DEMC (now Avisena Hospital)

Cepat betul masa berlalu skarang ni.. and as i promised earlier, im going to blog about my 2nd child..

Latest Update ; usia kandungan no 3 adalah 34 minggu!! (panic mode ON)

Her name is Sofea binti Khairil Anwar.
I'm so happy that my husband gave me full authority to choose her name *love* .

Yes, she is an intended pregnancy.
Maksudnya, selepas Ahmad 2 tahun , me and my husband agree to expand our family member with 1 syarat :- i want to deliver my 2nd child through operation. hehehe
Well, Ahmad was delivered thru emergency c-sect and i realized that i couldn't bear any labour pain coz my pain threshold is very minimal and my recovery process after c-sect was great.

So, in 2014, i was in my family medicine master programme (UiTM) & my husband was in orthopaedic master programme (UKM) and we are about to sit for our part 1 exam when i confirmed my pregnancy. Maybe to some people master programme is easy (sape lah tu..) but not to us unfortunately. My hormonal kick makes me feel guilty everyday... even worse, my 1st born pon asyik la meragam..hard to explain.
Hence, the decision for me to quit the programme & the promise of my husband to graduate on time.
That is the history of Klinik Sofia ... (i just like that name walaupon masa tu baru 1st trimester)

Back to my 2nd pregnancy history,
We did our check up with the same soft-motherly nature Dato' Dr Siti Zaleha in SJMC..
Funny part was, Dr Siti nampak je my face in her clinic, her 1st question was "how many children do you want Suria?" and my answer was " 3 enough for me.."
Dr Siti said " lets have elective c-sect this time then ." ahahhaha

Kita hanya merancang, i was schedule for my elective c-sect on 27th October 2014, Monday..
Allah knows best .. on Sunday morning of 26th October 2014 , i had my contraction pain after suboh.. I thought it was just my normal morning contraction which usually lasted for 30 minutes - 1 hour but it gets intense by 8am. Thank god i ate nasi briyani Syed the night before..

We were in the car by 8.30am heading to SJMC but as the contraction was killing me, i ask Anwar to go to the nearest hospital --> DEMC Shah Alam.
Guess what, i was 9cm at DEMC emergency ( bye2 to my dream of elective c-sect plan ) and my water broke spontaneously in the elevator to the labour room.
Dato' Dr Zamri was the O&G doctor oncall that day.. at 9.30am, Sofea, our 2nd child was born..

I feel quite proud of myself coz i didn't take any painkiller (x sempat pon) or entanox (so called happy gas) before or after the delivery process. Dr Zamri was indeed a nice man and penyabar.. (but i still menyorok kalau ternampak die during my check-up now hehehe)
My husband was the happiest man on that day - i can tell u that .. he must be doing very good that Allah has granted his doa for me to deliver normally.
For that, he said - ok, sayang u can choose our daughter's name. ceit.

All my close family was surprised with my successful SVD story.. They even confused when Anwar called them to inform i was in labour room in DEMC..
So that is Sofea's birth history. Full of surprises ..

How its gonna be to my no 3 ? Well, up until now, i tell my Obs Doctor - Dr Jumeah, the plan is NO Plan. Please doa for my smooth, easy, fast & not painful delivery & recovery process.. amin..

Till my next blog, xoxo.

** all photos credit to Azmir Khalid - he took Ahmad's photo too. Both Ahmad & Sofea had this photo session at my mom's house on their day 6 of life. **

1st family photo of 4.. ahmad punye emosi breakdown still x settle

Thursday, 16 November 2017

After 3years & 8 months of Hiatus

its been ages. my last blog was still about my 1st born.
now im carrying my no 3 .. phew.. life is ok.... i guess. rollercoaster ride of course.

So, lets do fast update
- my 1st born -Ahmad is now 6 years old (his bday will be in 11 days)
- soon to be in year 1 .. so fast..
- my 2nd born - Sofea. She is 3yo.. currently in playschool. Adore her big brother so much.
- i will do special post about her InsyaAllah..
- i'm no longer a gov doctor. I quit my master in family meds (UiTM) in 2014 , after completed 1 year programme to family priorities. Not because the prog stressed me out.. hehehe
- My dear husband , then was doing his ortho master programme under UKM , now Alhamdulillah just had his convo 2 weeks ago. He's Mr Khairil Anwar now.. KKM ortho specialist.
- i have my own GP-clinic now in Shah Alam.. this clinic was opened in May 2014.. it just 5 minutes drive from my home.
- I am 7months+  pregnant my no 3.. uncomplicated so far..Alhamdulillah. my due date will be at the end of January 2018, insyaAllah.. pray for my smooth, painless delivery and recovery.. amin..
- im still managing my clinic Mon-Friday & my kids myself most of the time..
- i just got my new maid last week...yaahoo! after my 5 years lovely maid decided to return back home and get married in January this year.. i was maidless for freaking 10 months & i survived!! hahahaha >> imagine during that time, my husband was doing his final exam & i was in my 1st -2nd trimester of pregnancy.. the rollercoaster ride was like hanging legs type of ride with 80% loops..
- now , everything much comforting except that the fact of being pregnant at 7-8months is never comforting at all.. hehe but Alhamdulillah.. Allah has the greatest plan of all.

so thats all for now, i hope i could blog more often..

Till then, xoxo
Universal Studio Osaka 2016
Ahmad turn 5 & Sofea turn 2 bday party at Little Kingdom

summer trip to Osaka 2016