Tuesday, 31 July 2018

3rd Child : introducing SARAH


photo by Littlebigshots Photography at day 6 of life

22nd January 2018 @ 1029am
5 Jamadilawal 1439H
3.49kg (37week)
SVD by Dr Jumeah in Avisena Hospital

Saya sebenarnya suka blogging.. tapi mempunya masa yang agak terhad.
Saya harap one day my children able to read what i had in my mind ..or maybe bile die org rindu pd i, they can always look at this blog.

So, i introduced my 2nd child when i was almost due for my 3rd child. 
Now let me introduce my 3rd child - SARAH.
Also to let u know that (to those yg belum tahu) i am now carrying another baby in my womb - yes, no 4. Later, la kite story sket2 pasal no 4.. or maybe after safely delivered, i'll blog about her.
Yes, another girl.💓

Sarah was born on 22nd January 2018 , Monday morning (10.29am) in DEMC (now dah tukar nama jd Avisenna Hospital) when her father was still in Shanghai,China !
She was term at 37week with birth weight 3.49kg..
Panjang x ingat. kene tengok buku rekod.

Actually Anwar is on his way back home to Malaysia that day.. flight arrival 11.30pm..
His girls semua jenis tak sabar2 nak kluar..gave me contraction within 2 hours and out they were!

@7.30am : mild morning contraction makes me hmm.. ni main2 ke ape ni.
                   i was a bit worry coz my last scan showed estimated fetal weight was 3.6kg.
                   Ahmad was 3.6kg and he was born through c-sect.
                   So i called Anwar and this what he said >> sakit ke? tunggu papa laa malam ni.ok? 😒

@8.00am : buat decision to go to hospitala la walaupon x sakit sgt..dgn harapan kalau cepat boleh
                   ask for epidural..haha i wish.

@8.30am : Contraction tiba2 makin kuat pulak.

@9.00am : Keluar rumah. Dalam kereta sakit sgt dah. Sufi sampai kene berhenti kejap2
@9.30am : Arrived DEMC and nurse tu ingat aku ni sakit main2.. siap daftar relax soh check BP.
                   Time check BP tangan nurse tu kene pial baru die "eh, puan tgh sakit sgt ke??.. jom2
                   push die ke katil.
                   Midwife datang and did VE.. sambil i ask her to be faster (haha) pasang la epidural.
                   tapi.. i already 9cm!!! haishhhh again.. melepas laa harapan epidural.

@ 10.29am : i cant remember ntah berapa kali push (like did u seriously count it??) finally baby's out.
                      in between of course la ade drama soh doctor operate je kan. hahaha sakit ok.
                      Branula pon x dan pasang. I'm so "naturally gentlebirth"..alhamdulillah..

Just like Ahmad & Sofea, her name was give on her day 7 of life..together with simple majlis of tahnik & cukur jambul sampai botak.
Her rambut kite org timbang and mengikut harga emas semasa, duit tu akan didermakan kpd anak yatim/asnaf.
Aqiqah je lambat sket for Sarah for unknown reason of my husband. Busy kot. kelam kabut balik dr China.. emotional breakdown sbb tengok wife die sgt terer teran beranak without him.
But i think it was done around her day 21 of life through Ezyqurban.
Sofea & Ahmad dua2 korban on day 7 jugak..

My post-partum process..hmm.. x berapa best masa 10 hari pertama sebab kene "rengat".
Sakit ok. x pernah kene sebelum ni.
It feels like ur rahim mcm nak terjatuh bile jalan. Nak mengiring pon x selesa.
Midwives from DEMC buat home visit 2 kali.. mesti lah die org x dp check my episiotpmy wound.
But they said it is normal bile makin byk kandungan, rasa post-partum uterine contraction tu lambat sket nak hilang..
Redha je la..
Bertungku helps a lot laa to make me comfortable. & of course painkiller.
Susu? ok je.. haha xnak story sgt. sbb nanti bg pengaruh x baik pd org lain pulak.
Cut story short breast milk still the best milk for our baby. Bagi la selagi mampu & larat.
Kalau penat, suruh husband korang plak bagi susu badan die. *joke*
i try not to feel stress during my confinement period.
Jaundice - Sarah x kene. Ahmad & Sofea pon x kene dulu..

Ok la, panjang sgt dah.

Till my next blog..xoxo

the fabulous 5+1 .. Sarah mmg suka tido.. just like her parents.

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