Tuesday, 4 September 2018

Yes, i am pregnant. Again.. its no 4

Alhamdulillah.. many of you already knew regarding this news.
I officially spread this unexpected news during raya time last month.
Reaction? hahaha mostly terkejut la..
Me & Anwar pon terkejut ourselves.. This is my very first "unexpected pregnancy".
Macam2 perasaan ada..
Terkejut .. x percaya.. malu & mcm mana nak hadap orang sekeliling.. and most importantly, how am i going to cope with my preggy-self with another 2 toddlers and an infant and my business!
Lg best, i just enrolled myself to Celebrity Fitness in less than a month and i cant cancel it coz there will be penalty what so ever if i do it.
So bye2 CF.. see u next year maybe... 😭

So how do we handle it?
To be honest, for a hormonal-swing woman , it is very hard to keep all the emotional roller coaster feeling alone. Thank god, i have a less emotional husband who tried his best level of kesabaran to keep up with me.. sampai the last resort is
" ok la sayang, up to u.. if u want to keep it, we will keep the baby..insyaAllah no problem with that.. but if u really think u cant take it, cant handle it physically and emotionally, i am with you too.. u choose which hospital and which doctor you want to see and we terminate it. Let me know when and where"

Yes.. sampai mcm tu dah.. dont judge me.
So, i keep myself to the "undecided state" for a while.. play with the time..
Then i teringat pulak ayat ni.. "Allah hanya menguji hambanNya yang mampu.."
Maka , insaf & sentap pd diri sendiri.

I start to look around my friends/ family yang ada anak kembar.. x mati pon derang kan. hahaha
So ok la.. let it be. Bring it on kids!
Stop thinking too much and lets start doa banyak2 beranak kali ni x sakit & cepat & kalau nak sakit pon harap2 sempat la nak put in epidural ke.. sign consent letter suruh operate ke.
Hahahaha... Please pray for me.

I settle myself first.. mentally. Physically mmg la x dpt nak tolong sgt kan.. mmg penat.

So bile dah ready, me & nwar informed my ibu 1st.
Bab nak inform org ni agak seronok and kelakar sebenarnya.. Reaksi derang mmg patut di amik gamba jdkn kenangan. hehehe
Tapi my ibu ok je.. bersyukur laa dengan "kesuburan" anak die ni..

Then, news spread to anwar's family side.
Belah sini best.. sbb semua pon mcm haaa alhamdulillah... bagus laa awak beranak ramai2 time mude2 ni ( ok i still mude ok..happy dah)
Makcik dulu pon tiap2 tahun ada anak kecik.. InsyaAllah ok..
Very encouraging! i like it.. it makes me relax a bit.

Bile balik Shah Alam.. here we go to my own beautiful family side..
Semua was like 😲😲😲 .. ade yg x percaya.. ade yg ko pantang tak ni?
hahaha.. mula2 je la.. lepas tu.. bile hilang terkejut derang tu.. derang treats me as "mak buyong queen" again.. hahaha padan muke.
They have this " guilty allergy' to any mak buyomg request.. so sebut je la nak ape.. they'll get it for me. 💜

My current pregnancy is indeed a poor spacing pregnancy.
Mengandung cara ni bukan lah perkara yang harus dibanggakan.. instead harus dipandang serious.
In case any of you having the same issue like mine, pergi buat check up dengan doctor cepat-cepat.
Banyak risiko-risiko bahaya mengandung boleh datang dari kandungan ni " high risk pregnancy".
antaranya, risiko kelahiran pra matang.. pregnancy-induced hypertension.. and banyak lagi.

Bab emosi, jangan pandang ringan ye.
1st sekali mesti utamakan diri sendiri.. kemudian get support dr suami, parents, adik beradik, sepupu sepapat, kawan2..
Kalau x boleh juga, get professional help.
Jangan bandingan keadaan kandungan setiap individu yg berbeza sbb u never know setiap org punye tahap kesihatan mcm mana.

As for me, I belum buat decision yet nak jumpa pakar bersalin mana for this one.
Rasanya still will go to DEMC .. eh nama baru dh jd Avisenna Hospital for logistic reason.
Kecuali laa tibe2 jalan kt pavillion pastu nak terberanak.. i'll go to Prince Court .
Sarah was with Dr Jumeah in DEMC.. She was great.
Nwar kata, tukar2 la doctor.. so setiap anak doctor lain2.. hmm suke2 hati die je laa..
Malas nak fikir banyak sebenarnye sebab nanti takut..
Lagi syok survey2 pakej pantang

Ok la till my next blog, nanti i share pakej pantang yg i survey.

the very 1st scan of our no4.. mesin pon x leh nak detect berapa minggu masa ni.

ok yg ni dah besar sket after few days.. 

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